Know your Mind Power


Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful powers you possess. 

This power, together with your imagination, can create success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, and opportunities or obstacles. This depends on your mindset. Your thoughts are the main ingredient of this power, and when you add to them focus and emotions, thoughts become powerful and can affect your reality.

What is Mind Power?

Mind power means the power of thoughts. It is a creative power, which you can use to make changes in your life. It is what makes the law of attraction work.

How does your Mind Power Work?

Unlocking our mind power comes down to understanding how our subconscious mind works. Whether we’re looking to be creative or successful in areas of our lives, we’re going to need the help of our subconscious mind. The most important aspect is that our subconscious mind can bring us many opportunities for us to succeed and grow. 

To understand the power of the Mind, it is essential to first know how the mind actually works. The mind works at two levels – conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind works according to your thinking; whereas the subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions, which is the creative mind. Whatever is thought habitually, tends to sink into the subconscious mind. The law of the subconscious mind works for good and bad ideas alike. Your subconscious mind is quite sensitive to your thoughts. When this law is applied in a negative manner, it brings about failure, frustration, and unhappiness. However, when your thinking is more positive, harmonious, and constructive, you experience success, prosperity, and perfect health. Whatever you claim mentally, the subconscious mind will accept and bring forth experience. The only thing necessary is to get the subconscious mind to accept the idea or whatever thoughts are conveyed to the subconscious mind.

How to Improve Mind Power

Method 1: Exercising Your Brain

  1. Learn new skills- By learning new skills, you keep your brain engaged and challenged, which can build new neural connections and improve your cognitive function.

2. Cultivate curiosity- Don’t accept things as they are. Instead, learn to constantly question things–even things that seem obvious or basic.

3. Read- Reading engages your brain as well as your imagination and is an excellent way to learn new things and to learn to see people, places, things, and ideas in new and different ways.

4. Do brain games and puzzles- There are all kinds of games available designed to keep your brain limber and fit. Look around, experiment, and find what works for you.

5. Focus and review– Commit to focusing closely on learning and improving your thinking. When you come across a new idea or fact, focus on learning about it and committing it to memory. Then, periodically go back over the new ideas and facts you’ve learned and rehearse them to yourself.

6. Write things down–longhand- Research has shown that writing down new information longhand helps you integrate it more thoroughly and recall it more easily.

7. Involve your senses– Try to relate new information to your five senses to help you absorb and retain it. Relate the idea or fact to a taste, tactile feeling, smell, or image. The more multi-sensory you can make it, the more powerful it will stay with you.

Method 2: Nurturing Your Brain

  1. Stop smoking- Researchers have found evidence that smoking impedes cognitive function and may even shrink the size of your brain’s hippocampus. Research has shown that smoking can decrease abilities related to memory, planning, and overall mental ability.

2. Eat well- There are a number of foods that researchers believe can lend themselves to improved brain function. Of course, eating walnuts won’t make you a genius, but it may help your brain do what it needs to, and maybe do it a bit better.

3. Exercise regularly- Maintaining an exercise routine and a healthy diet is important for not just your physical health but for your mental health as well.[14] Cardio activity releases a potent mix of hormones important to improving mood, relieving stress, and boosting concentration.

4. Get enough sleep- You’ve certainly been admonished about it often enough, but sleep is important. And it turns out it’s notably important to good brain function. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Not only will it help you to concentrate and keep you alert, it will also help prevent the loss of gray matter in your brain over time.

5. Meditate– Research has shown that daily meditation can improve your brain as well as your well-being. Meditation is believed to particularly improve decision-making and information-processing abilities. Meditative practices like yoga and tai chi have also been found to improve mood and mental function.

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