Suicide is a major public health problem with far-reaching social, emotional and economic consequences. It is estimated that there are currently more than 700,000 suicides per year worldwide, and we know that each suicide profoundly affects many more people. Suicide remains a critical global issue, affecting individuals and communities worldwide
Hence, World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was established in 2003 in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is a significant advocacy and communication based event aimed at reaching national organisations, governments and the general public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented.
WSPD is considered an effective tool in these efforts and the WHO Report: Preventing Suicide: a Global Imperative (WHO, 2014) marks it as a policy achievement, stating: ‘This day has spurred campaigns both nationally and locally and has contributed to raising awareness and reducing stigma’.
WSPD continues to grow year on year, with recent years seeing the day observed in more than 60 countries with hundreds of events ranging from educational and commemorative events to press briefings and public conferences. The Internet and Social Media coverage has ensured millions of people around the world are linked to WSPD on September 10th every year.
IASp Ribbion
In 2016, alongside our partners, IASP launched a universal suicide prevention awareness ribbon in the hope that the suicide prevention awareness ribbon would become globally recognizable much like other ribbons for other worthwhile causes are.
Following a review of ribbons and colors used to signify suicide prevention awareness around the world, yellow and orange were the two predominant colors that stood out and the ribbon was therefore put together using these colors.
The two toned ribbon is indicative of the light of a candle flame which ties in nicely with the IASP “Light a Candle” campaign as well as the candlelit walks that many arranged around the globe for WSPD. It also works well with the “Out of the Darkness into the Light” arranged by partner organizations for WSPD and other activities.
History of World Suicide Prevention Day
The first World Suicide Prevention Day was successfully launched in Stockholm, on 10 September 2003 as an initiative of IASP and the World Health Organization (WHO), designating the day as a way of focusing attention on the problem world-wide and confirming the message: Suicides are Preventable
IASP, in collaboration with inter-government agencies, governments, NGOs, international and national associations, clinicians, researchers and volunteers use WSPD as an instrument to promote awareness about suicide and its prevention.
In 2004, WHO again agreed to co-sponsor the day and World Suicide Prevention Day became an annual event.
World Suicide Prevention Day - Theme
World Suicide Prevention Day
IASP usually comes up with unique Triennial WSPD Theme since its inception. The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide” with the call to action “Start the Conversation”.
Changing the Narrative on Suicide – Start the Conversation
Change the native
Changing the narrative on suicide aims to inspire individuals, communities, organizations, and governments to engage in open and honest discussions about suicide and suicidal behavior. By initiating these vital conversations, we can break down barriers, raise awareness, and create better cultures of understanding and support.
This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations to prevent suicides. Changing the narrative on suicide is about transforming how we perceive this complex issue and shifting from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support.
The call to action encourages everyone to start the conversation on suicide and suicide prevention. Start the conversation today. Every conversation, no matter how small, contributes to a more supportive and understanding society. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a future where suicide prevention is prioritized, and everyone feels supported to get the help works for them.
This theme also emphasizes the need to prioritize suicide prevention and mental health in policy making, calling for government action. Changing the narrative requires advocating for policies that prioritize mental health, increase access to care, and provide support for those in need.
Here are some examples of how you can change the narrative on suicide over World Suicide Prevention Day and take these conversations through into our daily life:
For Individuals
For Communities
For Organizations
For Governments
Awareness campaign by I AUYSA – Govt Vocational Junior College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh
In response to the call from the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) for greater involvement in World Suicide Prevention Day, I AUYSA (International Aumaujaya United Young Stars Association), an active organization dedicated to youth welfare, took the initiative to raise awareness among young minds. On September 10, 2024, in collaboration with the Government Vocational Junior College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, an awareness campaign was conducted on the topic of “Suicidal Behavior, Its Effects & Prevention.” The event was guided by renowned psychologist Dr. B. Ramesh Babu, with the support of the college’s principal, Dr. S. Nagaswamy Naik.
Dr. S. Nagaswamy Naik & Dr. B. Ramesh babu
As a precursor to the main event, an essay writing competition was held on September 9, 2024, with the theme “Suicidal Tendencies: A Mental or Emotional Behavior?” Nearly 300 students participated, and the winners were recognized with participation certificates, mementos, and surprise gifts during the awareness session.
During the session, Dr. Ramesh delivered a knowledge-packed talk, shedding light on the lifestyle factors, thoughts, and behaviors that can lead to suicidal tendencies, and ways to prevent them. His insightful guidance resonated with the students, equipping them with practical knowledge on how to address and prevent suicidal thoughts.
The College Principal Dr. S. Nagaswamy Naik commended the efforts of I AUYSA and the Kurnool team for their dedication and commitment to guiding students beyond academics, emphasizing the importance of mental health. He pledged to support similar initiatives in the future for the benefit of the youth.
Dr. B. Ramesh Babu
Dr. S. Nagaswamy Naik
The students expressed their gratitude to the Founder of I AUYSA, His Excellency SP Maestro, as well as the core and service team members, for their selfless dedication. Many took selfies with the volunteers to capture the joyful and meaningful event. The program concluded with a formal felicitation of Dr. Ramesh and Dr. Nagaswamy Naik for their invaluable contributions to the success of the event.
To sum up, the event on September 10th, 2024, aligned with World Suicide Prevention Day’s goals, effectively raised awareness about suicide prevention, reduced stigma, and delivered the crucial message that suicide is preventable.