Fresh Cold water bank set up by I AUYSA at Dilawarpur

Water Bank By I AUYSA. Inaugurated by Nirmal MLA Maheswar Reddy

I AUYSA Facilitates Water Bank to Combat Summer Heat

As temperatures soar and heatwaves grip our communities, I AUYSA takes a proactive step to address citizens’ needs by introducing the Water Bank initiative. Inaugurated by esteemed MLA Maheswar Reddy at Dilawarpur, this innovative endeavor aims to ensure access to essential resources during the sweltering summer months.

The Need for Water Bank

With rising temperatures and prolonged heatwaves becoming the new normal, access to clean water becomes increasingly critical. Recognizing this, I AUYSA has established the Water Bank to provide a lifeline for communities facing water scarcity and heat-related challenges.

What Does the Water Bank Offer?

The Water Bank serves as a centralized resource hub, offering various services to alleviate the impact of the summer heat:

Water Distribution: The bank provides clean, potable water for drinking.

Cooling Stations: In partnership with local authorities and organizations, the Water Bank sets up cooling stations equipped with chilled water to provide relief from the heat for vulnerable populations.

Hydration Awareness Campaigns: Education is key to staying safe during hot weather. The Water Bank conducts awareness campaigns on the importance of hydration, heatstroke prevention, and water conservation to empower communities.

Emergency Response: During heat emergencies or water crises, the Water Bank mobilizes resources and coordinates relief efforts to ensure timely assistance to affected areas.

The Inauguration Ceremony

The inauguration ceremony of the Water Bank at Dilawarpur was a momentous occasion, symbolizing the commitment of I AUYSA and local leaders to prioritize the well-being of citizens. MLA Maheswar Reddy, along with representatives from various community organizations, pledged their support to make the Water Bank initiative a success.


In his address, MLA Maheswar Reddy emphasized the importance of community solidarity in facing the challenges posed by climate change. He commended I AUYSA for its proactive approach and called upon citizens to actively participate in water conservation efforts.

Join Us in Beating the Heat

As the summer heat intensifies, the Water Bank stands ready to serve and support communities in need. Together, let’s stay hydrated, stay cool, and stay united in overcoming the challenges of summer.

Join I AUYSA and the Water Bank initiative in making a difference this summer. Together, we can ensure that no one is left thirsty or vulnerable in the face of extreme heat.

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