National Youth Day

I AUYSA reiterates National Youth Day on the eve of Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday.

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.

Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one.

Only the moment you reject all help, then you are freed.” ~ Swami Vivekananda

As quoted by Swami Vivekananda, Youth should not have fear and be free  to do anything that resonates their existence, irrespective of results and become independent. With the same VISION, MISSION and MOTTO, I AUYSA has been established by His Excellency SP MAESTRO to support youth in all the directions of the youth such as Personal Life, Professional Life, Family Life, Social Life and Truthful Life.

  • For overall development of youth,
  • I AUYSA is conducting Social & Service Oriented Activities:
    • Helping the poor students who excel in studies
    • Conducting medical camps
    • Planting trees
    • Organising special programmes for students in the Educational Institutions
    • Promoting human values in the family, in the Educational Institutions, and in the society
  • I AUYSA is conducting Youth Empowerment sessions:
    • Life Skills, Soft Skills & Personality Development for the youth on 2nd Sunday of every month by SP Maestro live in the YouTube.
    • Lead the Future Training Sessions on Various topics such as time management, Stress Management and other various exclusive topics for a period of 3 Days to 7 Days with Free Food and Accommodation and
    • Conducting sports competitions & cultural activities for students
  • I AUYSA Develops the following things in youth:

Personality Development, Leadership Qualities, Concentration, Memory Power, Understanding Power, Logic & Reasoning, Creativity, Self-confidence, Time Management, Discipline, Goal Setting, Healthy Relationships, Ideal Personality and Balanced Life to have an absolute experience of Peace, Contentment, Love, Happiness, Success and Scientific Outlook

On this note, I AUYSA Concludes that – Age is just a number, But Young age is a character, that defines the Complete life of a Human being.

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